Versandinformationen / Shipping Information

Versandinformationen / shipping information



Die Versandkosten innerhalb von Deutschland betragen 4,99 EUR unabhängig

vom Gewicht der Sendung.

Ab einem Warenwert von 100,- €  ist der Versand kostenfrei.

Wir versenden die Ware innerhalb von 1 bis 2 Werktagen. 


Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia ,Spain

DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 13,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 14,90 Euro

up to 3kg = 15,90 Euro

up to 4kg = 16,90 Euro

up to 5kg = 17,90 Euro



DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 29,60 Euro

up to 2kg = 32,90 Euro

up to 3kg = 36,90 Euro

up to 4kg = 39,50 Euro

up to 5kg = 42,80 Euro

up to 6kg = 46,10 Euro


Macedonia, Portugal

DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 14,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 15,90 Euro

up to 3kg = 16,90 Euro


Norway, Luxemburg

DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 17,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 18,90 Euro



DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 14,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 15,90 Euro

up to 3kg = 16,90 Euro


United Kingdom

DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 15,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 16,90 Euro


United States



DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 30,60 Euro

up to 2kg = 32,90 Euro

up to 3kg = 40,90 Euro

up to 4kg = 46,50 Euro

up to 5kg = 52,90 Euro




DHL Germany

up to 1kg = 32,90 Euro

up to 2kg = 35,40 Euro

up to 3kg = 38,70 Euro

up to 4kg = 42,00 Euro

up to 5kg = 45,30 Euro


We ship within 1 to 2 working days